The latest NICE guidelines recommends The Alexander Technique be considered for those with Parkinson's Disease who are experiencing balance or motor function problems. This will be welcomed by sufferers of Parkinson's and their family and carers looking for non-pharmacological management of motor and non-motor symptoms. To...

Come and find out how the Alexander Technique can help you improve your posture, overcome aches and pains and enjoy greater energy. I will be at The Good Health Boutique in Retford this Saturday from 10am to 2pm to answer your questions and demonstrate how making some...

This is a great article in 'The Independent' about back pain. No mention for The Alexander Technique which is disappointing, but I am very encouraged that this doctor clearly understands that some back pain is caused by what we do. A little while ago that clarity was missing in the medical profession.
When you are pregnant or parenting, the last thing you need is to suffer from back pain. Learning Alexander Technique is a practical way to help you prepare and learn to cope with the changes to your body as your baby grows and becomes heavier.
This is a great article about exercise and 'stretching' and why it doesn't work the way we think it does. It seems "What we are doing with our bodies most of the time thoroughly trumps how hard we may be capable of working out (or stretching) for a small portion of our day.”
Just how much the conscious mind is actually in control of what we do has long been in question.  However recent research, testing mechanisms involved in decision-making, suggests that we can in fact exercise control over our decisions.