The latest NICE guidelines recommends The Alexander Technique be considered for those with Parkinson's Disease who are experiencing balance or motor function problems. This will be welcomed by sufferers of Parkinson's and their family and carers looking for non-pharmacological management of motor and non-motor symptoms. To...

This is a great article in 'The Independent' about back pain. No mention for The Alexander Technique which is disappointing, but I am very encouraged that this doctor clearly understands that some back pain is caused by what we do. A little while ago that clarity was missing in the medical profession.
Great article in Classical Music Magazine on the value of the Alexander Technique for musicians. This is a really well written and explains how the technique works to help musicians improve their performance and prevent and manage backpain, RSI and Nerves.
Video: Scientific experiments have shown us that posture impacts the mind and how we feel. Think about melting the tension away in your shoulders and you will also see that the mind impacts on your posture too. Harvard professor and researcher Amy Cuddy explains how posture can affect some of the biggest moments of our lives.