Neck Pain – Alexander Technique Offers Long Term Benefits

A randomised, controlled clinical trial (the ATLAS trial), funded by Arthritis Research UK, has shown that Alexander Technique lessons can result in long-term benefit for people with chronic neck pain.

The trial involved people with neck pain lasting 3 months or more, with an average (median) of 6 years. Participants were randomised to one of three groups and offered 20 one-to- one Alexander lessons provided by STAT-registered teachers along with continued usual GP-led care; or acupuncture along with usual GP-led care1; or usual GP-led care alone.


The trial showed the following long-term benefits for people who attended Alexander lessons:


• They experienced nearly a third less pain and associated disability (a 31% reduction) at
the end of the trial, 1 year later.


• This reduction was significantly greater than that experienced by the group who received usual GP-led care alone, and was large enough to be considered clinically relevant.


For Full Details:  STAT Alexander Trial