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Alexander Technique: How Posture Affects Our Mind

Video: Scientific experiments have shown us that posture impacts the mind and how we feel. Think about melting the tension away in your shoulders and you will also see that the mind impacts on your posture too. Harvard professor and researcher Amy Cuddy explains how posture can affect some of the biggest moments of our lives.

If you have a presentation or interview you may choose a power pose to start and this will improve your confidence but as soon as you start thinking about what you want to say you stop thinking about the ‘pose’ and return to your normal posture.

The Alexander Technique can teach you how to permanently change your posture so its more open, expansive and positive. It’s an incredibly powerful tool.

Harvard professor Amy Cuddy also coined the term “power pose,” saying privately standing like a super hero for just two minutes before a big challenge can provide a surge of confidence. She joins “CBS This Morning” to discuss her new book, “Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges.”

To view the video please go to: Video – How Your Posture Impacts The Mind